giovedì 17 ottobre 2013

Meessen De Clercq gallery - Opening exhibitions

 Alek O., View of the artist’s studio, 2013, Courtesy of Meessen De Clercq and the artist

 Lieven De Boeck, Mikado LDB Modulor (detail), 2013, Courtesy of Meessen De Clercq and the artist

Nicolas Lamas, Ball, 2013, Courtesy of Meessen De Clercq and the artist

On Parasols, Jumpers and Balls

Il lavoro di Alek O. è caratterizzato dalla reinterpretazione di oggetti che sembrano apparentemente banali. Ciò che arricchisce l’oggetto è il suo aspetto nostalgico legato alla storia personale dell’artista. Guanti, ombrelli o magliette sono decostruiti e decontestualizzati rendendo possibile, con ciò che resta, la costruzione di un nuovo senso. Con l’appropriazione del materiale l’opera acquista un altro aspetto che spesso si lega come riferimenti a degli eventi storici.

L’artista utilizza come pratica il ready made, ma decostruendo l’oggetto esso viene trasformato in una forma astratta Alek O. ridimensiona il materiale a sua disposizione ottenendo come risultato una tela. Davanti ai nostri occhi vediamo un quadro astratto che rimanda alla pittura a grandi campi di colore.

Reference Points

Alla sua prima mostra europea, il giovane artista Nicolás Lamas (nato a Lima nel 1980) occupa il primo piano della galleria Meessen De Clercq. Le opere dell’artista peruviano si relazionano con lo spazio, il tempo, la cultura e la scienza. Campi come l’astronomia o la fisica sono interpellati in maniera puntuale e problematica. Le questioni trattate da Lamas prendono forma attraverso l’utilizzo della fotografia, della scultura, del video o tramite la pratica del ready made. L’artista esplora il mondo scientifico in maniera originale spingendosi oltre il limite della normalità a cui siamo abituati. Oggetti diversi e opposti fra di loro vengono messi a confronto ed è proprio grazie a questo che si genera un nuovo e più profondo significato.


Mikado LDB Modulor

Lieven DE BOECK present il lavoro scultoreo Mikado LDB Modulor nella wunderkammer. La complessa struttura è composta da elementi di vetro che rimandano al celebre gioco del Mikado, le misure e i colori dei mikado sono sia decisi dall’artista stesso che mutuati dal sistema metrico anglosassone.

Mikado LDB Modulor

Lieven DE BOECK shows his masterly sculptural work Mikado LDB Modulor in the wunderkammer. This technical tour de force consists of glass elements referring to the game of Mikado, with measures and colours related to the length of the artist himself as well as to the Anglo-Saxon metric system.
Lieven De Boeck ( °1971 Dendermonde, Belgium) participated in many solo and group exhibitions. Solo exhibitions of his work have taken place at Witte de With, Rotterdam (2004), Extra City Kunsthall, Antwerp (2009) or Kunstraum Munich (2010). He participated in group exhibitions such as Translation Paradoxes and Misunderstandings in Shedhalle Zurich and Soft Sites at ICA, Institute of Contemporary Art in Philadelphia. Lieven De Boeck lives and works between Brussels and New York.

Reference Points

Shown for the first time in a solo exhibition in Europe, the young artist Nicolás LAMAS (born in Lima in 1980) occupies the first floor of the gallery. The practice of the young Peruvian artist based in Belgium is fed to a reflection on space, time, culture and science. Exploring in an almost scientific way, different fields such as astronomy or physics are questioned. Lamas formalizes his
research in using various media as photography, sculpture, video or readymade objects. This exploration sometimes push to absurd undermines measurement systems that govern our daily lives. The artist plays with the codes and material and confronts opposed objects to bring out meaning and drama.
Nicolás Lamas is currently completing a residency program at H.I.S.K. He had several solo exhibitions in Peru for example at Galería Lucía de la Puente and Galería L’imaginaire. His work was shown at the Belfast photo festival in 2013, NordArt in Büdelsdorf in 2011 and The Ch’ange in Washington. Nicolás Lamas has won the Third Prize Pasaporte para un Artista in 2010. He lives and works in Ghent

On Parasols, Jumpers and Balls

The work of Alek O. is characterized by the reinterpretation of seemingly trivial objects. It is the personal significance and the nostalgic aspect of these objects that contribute to the story told by the artist. Gloves, umbrella’s or shirts are deconstructed and abstracted to the essence, making it possible to create a new meaning with the fibre that is left. By unraveling a pair of gloves she creates potential to tell a new story. This appropriation of the material results in an entirely new layer to the work, often making references to historical events. She uses the ready made, but the deconstruction and the orderly way of rearranging the material transforms it to an abstract rectangular shape. With techniques such as embroidery, Alek O. reshapes these objects into a canvas. The result appears to be an abstract painting, with references to colour-field painting.
Alek O. (°1980, Buenos Aires, Argentina) has a degree in industrial design at the Politecnico in Milan. She has had solo exhibitions in several gallery’s and museums such as Gallery Vela, London in 2010 and Galleria Federico Bianchi, Gorgonzola and Salzinsel, Luxembourg in 2007. She has participated in the Prague Biennale 5. Her work was shown in a group exhibition at Castello di Rivoli in 2010 and in Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris in 2005.

She lives and works between Como (Italy) and London (UK)

Ricevo e pubblico:
amalia di Lanno