lunedì 2 maggio 2016

Serenella Dodi. Zibaldone 2

Mostra personale dell'artista Serenella Dodi a Roma
dal 13 maggio al 19 maggio 2016 nello spazio
myday-byday Via Luca della Robbia, 76 al Testaccio
Vernissage alla presenza dell'artista il 13 maggio 18,30

Comunicato stampa:
Zibaldone 2 : Roma

difficile parlare del mio lavoro, da sempre preferisco che le emozioni si insinuino silenziosamente…perché ´l´Arte, a mio avviso e´un mistero.
La metafora che posso fare a proposito dei miei diari, creati nell´arco di un anno e mezzo nel mio soggiorno a Münster? Un lungo fiume di emozioni.
Andavo in centro a vagabondare e prendevo cataloghi da alcune gioiellerie e negozi vari, attratta dalla carta....e da li´cominciavo...sovrapponevo, coprivo, incollavo...un rito giornaliero, aspettando che le pagine asciugassero, smaniando per non perdere il filo dei pensieri.....e al mattino cominciava una nuova avventura ,portandosi appresso nella concentrazione, quello che mi circondava, ma non solo.
Microcosmo uguale Macrocosmo, da sempre un´ossessione, cercando ponti per toccare per pochi istanti, quell´Infinito di cui facciamo parte.
Materia che scivola e si compone e ci indica via sconosciute.
Credo che, pur lavorando con diversi medias, che reputo tutti validi strumenti....niente come la pittura, ha il potere, senza escamotages, di arrivare nel profondo dell´inconscio.
E comunque, non la dimensione, non i materiali, devono avere preponderanza su quello che si vuole esprimere.
Altro non posso dire, non e´un caso che uso simboli , forme, colori.... poiche´in molti casi la parola non e´sufficiente.
Quindi dipingo, dipingo dipingo !
Serenella Dodi

Biografia dell'artista:

born in Rome,
attended L.T. C. Ladies College in Eastbourne, Sussex, England,
graduated in languages in Rome, and in Los Angeles, made graphics and animation courses. Since `88, back to Italy, in Umbria, as art-assistant, refining every painting
and sculpturing technique, created some tales caring texts and illustrations of:
THE PLANET OF PESIANS - 70 paintings on paper
SETIMAS - 27 tables, dedicated to Henri Matisse.
With her career as a painter, sculptor, in some occasions, also curator of Contemporary Art events in Europe, in public and private spaces.
Actually, lives and work between Italy and Germany.

Recent exhibitions:
MAGNETIKZONE - San Francisco Usa
LA COLLECTION Galerie au Passages des reves - Arles France PALAGIOCONTEMPORANEO 2nd Edition STUDIOURBANA Rome Italy
ZIBALDONE Ateliergemeinschaft Schulstrasse e.V. - Münster Germany
1 Mail Art International - by ARCAM - Mirano -Venezia Italy NOTFEARABOUTSHADOWS Galerie Au Passage des Reves - Arles France
+39 339 6670465
+49 15780211931

myday-byday is starting a new format of travelling diaries which will be published for each artist willing to leave his/her story.
These diaries will be published in the form of a personal interview.
myday-byday will try to interpret the life, the thoughts, the fears, the successes, the fragility, the happiness behind each art collection travelling throught out the world and the space of myday-byday.
These artists try everyday to express themselves throught their art, in different ways from painting to sculpture, design, photography, or other artistic forms.
myday-byday is in constamt search for 'beauty', but at the service of its artists. The goal is , to be able to share and communicate with all of you what 's behind their work.

1 Where is your inspiration coming from ?
S.D: Art is a fashinating mistery as the comes alone

2 What are you trying to communicate in particular with your artwork?
S.D: surely my proposal is not to communicate but express ...

3 Which material you prefer to use and why ?
S.D: not favourite materials......all...They are only tools arrive to say

4 How much value do you give to researching material for your creations?
S.D: Surely the classic paper….I started my career doing watercolours

5 Is it more important for you the process, or the final artwork itself?
S.D: the an exciting open gate

6 Is there an artist you prefer and why ?
S.D: there are so many !..... could start from Beato Angelico ....Masaccio, the list is very long.....
7 Have you ever thought to collaborate with other artists , or you like to work on your own?
S.D: love a lot the co/lab ...i did with John Crabtree....was a great experience!prefer to think the way is always open.... luckely every day my 1st thought is to this particular moment and especially for this installaction in Mydaybyday... i picked up many experiences together....i many painting pages during 1 year an a fruit of daily rite meditation inside myself

8 Where do you feel you are at with this last collection?
S.D: oh think nobody could say be completely satisfied...surely being creative give us the possibility to be in armony with life so, simply I need

9 What have you discovered of yourself, are you sattisfied ?
S.D: lot of paintings......

10 Two words to describe your last artwork collection.
S.D: un gran bella avventura!! (a great adventure)

amalia di Lanno