4 è lieto di presentare il quarto appuntamento della stagione
espositiva 2012-2013, con una mostra collettiva che vedrà la
partecipazione di Margrethe Aanestad (1974), Alice Browne (1986) e
Jeanette Mundt (1982), artiste provenienti da contesti ed esperienze
lontane culturalmente e geograficamente che si incontrano per la prima
volta per parlare e confrontarsi nello stesso spazio sul proprio
approccio con l'immagine.
Le tre artiste sono state invitate a condividere lo spazio di INTERNO 4 per fare il
punto, con modalità e mezzi differenti, su di una una ricerca
strettamente legata alla pittura e alle sue sfaccettature, su di un
orizzonte sia teorico che formale.
Margrethe Aanestad (1974)
vive tra Stravanger e New York. Aanestad ha recentemente inaugurato una
personale a New York alla Open Source Gallery, attualmente espone alla
Galeris Des Pacio De La Cruz in Costa Rica, ed è stata presentata con
una personale a Untitled Art Fair a Miami, FL, 2012, ha partecipato alla
collettiva "Between Mountain" alla Open Source nel 2012. Il suo lavoro è
stato selezionato per la "National Autumn Exhibition" alla Kunstnernes
Hs in Norvegia, 2011.
Mostre future saranno a Dimensions Variable, Miami, FL, e a Another Space, Copenhagen, DK.
Alice Browne (1986) vive a Londra dove si è laureata in Pittura al
Wimbledon College of Art (2009). Prossime e recenti mostre, Limoncello,
Londra (2014), Annarumma, Napoli (2013) The China Shop, Oxford;
Supercollider, Blackpool (entrambi 2012). Mostre collettive recenti,
INTERNO4, Bologna; Matthews Yard, Croydon (entrambe 2013);
Dienstgebauede, Zurich (2012); Limoncello, London; APT Gallery, London
(2011); Transition Gallery, London; A Foundation, Liverpool; ICA, London
(2010) and Artsdepot, London (2009).
Jeanette Mundt (1982)
vive e lavora a New York, NY. Consegue il BA in Belle Arti al Pratt
Institute, New York, NY. Mostre personali, Michael Benevento, Los
Angeles, CA (2012); Three Films – EyeEclipse, The GlowWorm, The Lamp,
Cleopatra’s, Brooklyn, NY, Clifton Benevento, New York, NY (2011);
Project Room, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Berlin, Germany (2010); The
Tunnel Room, John Connelly Presents, New York, NY (2009); Max Hans
Daniel, Berlin, Germany (2008). Recenti mostre collettive sono Reckless
Head, curata da Jeanette Mundt, Michael Benevento, Los Angeles, CA
(2013); Habeas Corpus, Halsey McKay, East Hampton, NY, (2012); In Plain
Sight, Mitchell-Innes & Nash, New York, NY, (2012); Exhibition based
on Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, curata da Ilan Cohen with
Quang Bao, SecondGuest, New York, NY, (2012); Gruppenausstellung 3,
Société, Berlin, Germany, (2012).
Inaugurazione: 4 maggio, h19
5 maggio h16/21
6 maggio h16/21
Maggiori informazioni:
Con il supporto di:
INTERNO 4 is glad to announce the fourth event for season 2013-2014, by
presenting a collective show which will feature Margrethe Aanestad
(1974), Alice Browne (1986) and Jeanette Mundt (1982), artists who come
from contexts and experiences which are far in both cultural and
geografical sense, and who meet together for the first time for talking
and confront each other in the same space about their own approach to
the image.
The three artists have been invited to share the
space of INTERNO 4, where they face, through different ways of work and
expression, a research closely related to painting and its different
facets, on a horizon which is both theoretical and formal.
Margrethe Aanestad (1974) is based in Stavanger and New York. Aanestad
recently had her first solo-exhibition in New York at Open Source
Gallery, and is currently exhibiting at Galería Des Pacio De La Cruz in
Costa Rica. Aanestad was presented with a solo exhibition at Untitled
Art Fair in Miami, FL, 2012, as well as participating in the group show
Between Mountain at Open Source Gallery, 2012. Her work was also
selected for The National Autumn Exhibition at Kunstnernes Hus in
Norway, 2011. Upcoming exhibitions will be at Dimensions Variable,
Miami, FL and at Another Space, Copenhagen, DK.
Alice Browne
(1986) is based in London, where she gained her BA Fine Art (Painting)
at Wimbledon College of Art (2009). Forthcoming and recent solo shows
include Limoncello, London (2014) annarumma, Naples (2013) The China
Shop, Oxford; Supercollider, Blackpool (both 2012). Recent group shows
include Interno 4, Bologna; Matthews Yard, Croydon (both 2013);
dienstgebauede, Zurich (2012); Limoncello, London; APT Gallery, London
(2011); Transition Gallery, London; A Foundation, Liverpool; ICA, London
(2010) and Artsdepot, London (2009).
Jeanette Mundt (1982)
lives and works in New York, NY. She gains her BA in Fine Arts at Pratt
Institute, New York, NY. Her solo shows include Michael Benevento, Los
Angeles, CA (2012); Three Films – EyeEclipse, The GlowWorm, The Lamp,
Cleopatra’s, Brooklyn, NY, Clifton Benevento, New York, NY (2011);
Project Room, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Berlin, Germany (2010); The
Tunnel Room, John Connelly Presents, New York, NY (2009); Max Hans
Daniel, Berlin, Germany (2008). Recent group shows include Reckless
Head, curated by Jeanette Mundt, Michael Benevento, Los Angeles, CA
(2013); Habeas Corpus, Halsey McKay, East Hampton, NY, (2012); In Plain
Sight, Mitchell-Innes & Nash, New York, NY, (2012); Exhibition based
on Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, Curated by Ilan Cohen with
Quang Bao, SecondGuest, New York, NY, (2012); Gruppenausstellung 3,
Société, Berlin, Germany, (2012).
Opening: May 4th h19
May 5th h16/21
May 6th h16/21
More Info:
Supported by:
Ricevo e pubblico:
Amalia di Lanno