Narcissistic, Diagnosis
"Narcissistic, Diagnosis" is an exhibition that gives attention to the question of identity is reflected by the artist and represents a problem that afflicts us all. Perhaps, these themes will continue to be relevant considering the construction of identity as a nation we continue to proceed. Fine art is one of the elements that contributed to the formation of identity. No wonder that in the early days of the republic's independence, artists occupy strategic positions and their acti
ons are supported by the state. Our first president to understand exactly how the arts have the capacity in national character building. He did not mince words when collecting works of art from his own people and proud at every opportunity - before state guests.
The paintings are self-portraits of artists who have done since the time of the Revolution until now prove that the problem of personality should be a concern to strengthen the role of the state and establish nationality. Only, we need to be aware of the symptoms of excessive state intervention, as occurred during the New Order.
Exhibition "Narcissistic, Diagnosis" is at least able to provoke us to reflect: what we face today?
Bandung, July-August 2012
Aminudin TH Siregar
The Exhibition will be held until 2 October 2012
For more information please contact
T: +62 31 5466611, 5477711
F: +62 31 5457185
contact: Hendrotan +628123112311
Media Partner: Visual Art Magazine
Amalia Di Lanno