26 gennaio – 30 marzo 2012
Opening: mercoledì 25 gennaio 2012 dalle 19.00 alle 21.00
ProjectB presenta nel suo spazio di Via Borgonuovo a Milano, Ristruttura: una mostra collettiva curata da Lorenzo Durantini in collaborazione con ProjectB, incentrata sulle nuove architetture emotive proposte da un gruppo di giovani artisti che lavorano con video e fotografia.
In mostra le opere di una nuova generazione che, attraverso elaborazioni fotografiche e immagini video, affronta il tema della ‘Struttura’ come strumento per riconoscere l'intervento artistico attraverso mezzi tecnologici che spesso nascondono la “mano dell'artista”. Esplorando il rapporto tra il corpo e l’intervento artistico, gli artisti sembrano quasi voler rielaborare una nuova versione del concetto di “corpo” diffuso nel Rinascimento: non luogo d’osservazione soggettiva, bensì mezzo per calibrare il proprio lavoro.
Ognuno di loro interviene con un gesto artistico a volte impercettibile, altre volte tangibile nell'opera, attraverso l’intersezione di scultura, performance e installazione mediati dall’obiettivo.
Gli interventi passano dal poetico, come nel progetto di Noémie Goudal Haven Her Body Was che riprende una poesia di Goethe, allo storico/critico come nei Cubes for Albers and Lewitt di Jessica Eaton. Il riferimento però non diventa mai fine a se stesso, bensì luogo di partenza per la creazione di ricerche autonome che si arricchiscono tramite il dialogo con la storia dell'arte contemporanea.
“Gli strumenti a favore di Ristruttura – pianificare, creare, raffinare, esplorare e smantellare – insieme formano una strategia per reintegrare il corpo col suo ambiente…” come scrive Lorenzo Durantini nel testo introduttivo al catalogo che accompagna la mostra “…queste azioni sono discrete, rimangono a portata di mano. Paradossalmente per stabilire i limiti del corpo bisogna innanzitutto osservare la sua assenza; gli indizzi per trovare il corpo contemporaneo sono sparsi in questi lavori”.
Ristruttura rientra nel progetto di ProjectB a supporto di giovani artisti e in questo caso anche al progetto di un giovane curatore.
Il catalogo Ristruttura è stato presentato a Londra a dicembre 2011 ed è distribuito a Londra da Koenig Books - Serpentine- Charring Cross, Donlon Books, Artwords, Photographers' Gallery, Institute of Contemporary Art, Tate Modern Bookstore. Si può acquistare on line
Artisti in mostra
Marten Lange (Svezia,1984), Tom Lovelace (UK, 1981), Flashlab, Jessica Eaton (Canada,
1977), Noémie Goudal, Martina Lindqvist, Greta Alfaro (Spagna 1977), Matthieu Lavanchy
(Svizzera, 1986) e Chris Engman (USA, 1978).
Press Office Silvia Macchetto
T 39 338 3429581
E silvia.macchetto@gmail.com
January 26th - March 30th 2012
Private View: Wednesday 25th of January2012 7-9pm ProjectB Gallery is proud to present in Via Borgonuovo, Milan the group exhibition Ristruttura curated by Lorenzo Durantini in collaboration with ProjectB. The show is centred on the new emotional landscape of a group of young artists working with photography and video.
Ristruttura is Italian for restructure and the works on display by this new generation of artists explores structures built specifically for the lens as a way of recognising artistic intervention in media that often hide artistic gesture. These artists rework the Renaissance idea of the body being used not as a trace of subjectivity but as a measure against which artistic labour can be calibrated.
Each artist intervenes with an artistic gesture sometimes impercievable and other materially tangible in their work through the intersection of sculpture, performance and installation.
These interventions begin with the poetic in Noemie Goudal's Haven Her Body Was that references a poem by Goethe, to the critical and historical in Jessica Eaton's Cubes for Albers and Lewitt. These reference points however are never means to an end, rather they are the starting place for the creation of autonomous activity and research that enriches itself through dialogue with contemporary art history.
'The basic skills at Ristruttura's disposal - planning, creating, refining, exploring and dismantling - together form a strategy to reintegrate the body within its environment', writes Lorenzo Durantini in his introductory text to the exhibition catalogue, 'these actions are discrete, they are within arm's reach. Paradoxically, establishing the limits of the body first necessitates its absence; the clues to find the contemporary body are dispersed within this work'.
Ristruttura is part of ProjectB's long-term commitment to supporting young artists and curators.
The catalogue Ristruttura has been presented in London on dicember 2011 and it is distribuited in London from Koenig Books - Serpentine- Charring Cross, Donlon Books, Artwords, Photographers' Gallery, Institute of Contemporary Art, Tate Modern Bookstore. It is available on line.
January 26th - March 30th 2012
Private View: Wednesday 25th of January2012 7-9pm ProjectB Gallery is proud to present in Via Borgonuovo, Milan the group exhibition Ristruttura curated by Lorenzo Durantini in collaboration with ProjectB. The show is centred on the new emotional landscape of a group of young artists working with photography and video.
Ristruttura is Italian for restructure and the works on display by this new generation of artists explores structures built specifically for the lens as a way of recognising artistic intervention in media that often hide artistic gesture. These artists rework the Renaissance idea of the body being used not as a trace of subjectivity but as a measure against which artistic labour can be calibrated.
Each artist intervenes with an artistic gesture sometimes impercievable and other materially tangible in their work through the intersection of sculpture, performance and installation.
These interventions begin with the poetic in Noemie Goudal's Haven Her Body Was that references a poem by Goethe, to the critical and historical in Jessica Eaton's Cubes for Albers and Lewitt. These reference points however are never means to an end, rather they are the starting place for the creation of autonomous activity and research that enriches itself through dialogue with contemporary art history.
'The basic skills at Ristruttura's disposal - planning, creating, refining, exploring and dismantling - together form a strategy to reintegrate the body within its environment', writes Lorenzo Durantini in his introductory text to the exhibition catalogue, 'these actions are discrete, they are within arm's reach. Paradoxically, establishing the limits of the body first necessitates its absence; the clues to find the contemporary body are dispersed within this work'.
Ristruttura is part of ProjectB's long-term commitment to supporting young artists and curators.
The catalogue Ristruttura has been presented in London on dicember 2011 and it is distribuited in London from Koenig Books - Serpentine- Charring Cross, Donlon Books, Artwords, Photographers' Gallery, Institute of Contemporary Art, Tate Modern Bookstore. It is available on line.
(Sweden,1984), Tom Lovelace (UK, 1981), Flashlab, Jessica Eaton (Canada,
1977), Noémie Goudal, Martina Lindqvist, Greta Alfaro (Spagna 1977), Matthieu Lavanchy
(Svizzera, 1986) e Chris Engman (USA, 1978).
Press Office Silvia Macchetto
1977), Noémie Goudal, Martina Lindqvist, Greta Alfaro (Spagna 1977), Matthieu Lavanchy
(Svizzera, 1986) e Chris Engman (USA, 1978).
Press Office Silvia Macchetto
T 39 338 3429581
Fonte: http://www.projectb.eu/
Segnala:Amalia Di Lanno