venerdì 3 marzo 2017

Jonathan Baldock e Florence Peake. Inhale / Inhabit

Una peformance di Jonathan Baldock e Florence Peake
A cura di Marcello Smarrelli

In occasione di Conversation Piece | Part III, a cura Marcello Smarrelli, l’artista Jonathan Baldock presenta una performance intitolata Inhale / Inhabit, che si terrà mercoledì 8 marzo alle ore 19.00 e alle ore 20.00, in collaborazione con l’inglese Florence Peake, artista visiva, ballerina e coreografa.

La pratica artistica di Jonathan Baldock unisce pittura, scultura e arti applicate in suggestive installazioni che si ispirano al mondo ancestrale della mitologia, delle maschere, dei riti tribali e delle tradizioni folkloristiche. Sia nelle sculture-oggetto, che nei ricami, l’artista sembra rifarsi ai motivi classici, contaminati però da particolari elementi di disturbo, capaci di trasformare le figure in inquietanti artefatti che ricordano diverse etnie.
La performance si concentra sui limiti e le tensioni tra gli oggetti e il corpo in movimento, occupando gli spazi tra le opere in mostra, in modo da costruire dei sottili punti d’incontro. Florence Peake incarna un personaggio mitologico immaginario, nato da un portale cosmico per manipolare il tempo, capace di creare delle emozioni antiche, tra attesa e sensualità. Attraverso dei movimenti ritualizzati e connessi alle opere in mostra, l’artista crea dei nuovi ed astratti episodi narrativi offrendo, allo stesso tempo, momenti di fuga dalla realtà.

Lo scenario dell’azione sarà l’intervento di Baldock realizzato per Conversation Piece | Part III, in cui l’artista ha scelto di focalizzare la sua attenzione sulla trasformazione degli elementi della figura umana in oggetti, lasciando emergere con forza la dimensione simbolica del corpo frammentato nell’era della sua oggettivizzazione. Gli arazzi e le sculture realizzate per la mostra sono iconograficamente ispirate a parti del corpo umano, in particolare agli occhi e alla bocca, interpretati come porte metaforiche capaci di mettere in comunicazione l’esterno del corpo con l’interno, le principali vie attraverso cui si nutre il corpo e la mente. Ma qualcosa di drammatico sembra avvenire e, come in un incantesimo, una foresta di rami cresce intorno a questi organi impedendogli di svolgere correttamente le loro funzioni vitali.

Jonathan Baldock (1980) vive e lavora a Londra. Mostre personali (selezione) The Skin I Live in, Nicelle Beauchene, New York (2016); The Soft Machine, Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff; Notes from the Orifice, Vitrine Gallery, Londra; Hot Spots, The Apartment, Vancouver; Warm Bodies, (con Olga Balema), Kunstvereniging Diepenheim, (Olanda) (2014) e A Strange cross between a Butcher`s Shop and a Nightsclub, Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge (2013). Mostre collettive (selezione): Baldock Pope Zahle, Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, Sunderland; Seepferdchen und Flugfische (touring), Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, Remagen (Germania) (2016); Archetypes, Power, and Puppets, College of Wooster Art Museum (CWAM), Wooster, OH (USA); Only the Lonely / Seuls les solitaires (a cura di Elina Suoyrjö), La Galerie centre d’art contemporain, Parigi (Francia). Le prossime mostre includono una doppia personale con l’artista Emma Hart Love Life, (PEER Londra, The Grundy, Blackpool (2016); and De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill 2017).

Florence Peake è un artista e una coreografa. Vive e lavora a Londra. Con un’ampia formazione in danza e pittura, la pratica performativa di Peake combina una grande varietà di linguaggi diversi – dal disegno alla scultura- relazionandoli con il corpo in movimento. I luoghi ed il pubblico, improvvisazioni o registrazioni, arguzia e umorismo sono elementi chiave del suo lavoro. I suoi progetti interdisciplinari, realizzati indipendentemente o attraverso collaborazioni, sono stati realizzati a livello interazionale dal 1995 a New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Praga, Svezia e Lettonia. Le opere di Peake sono inoltre state commissionate ed esposte in prestigiosi musei come la National Portrait Gallery (2008), National Review of Live Art (2009), Yorkshire Sculpture Park (2012), Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art (2013) e Hayward Gallery (2014).

Ingresso gratuito

On the occasion of Conversation Piece | Part III, curated by Marcello Smarrelli, the artist Jonathan Baldock presents a performance entitled Inhale/ Inhabit, that will be held on Wednesday, March 8 at 7pm and at 8pm, in collaboration with Florence Peake, visual artist, dancer and choreographer.

Jonathan Baldock’s multidisciplinary practice uses painting, sculpture, performance and evocative installations finding inspiration in the magical worlds of mythology, masks, tribal rituals and folkloristic traditions. In all his works, the artist seems to recall classical motifs of the past, contaminated by particular disturbing elements, that are able to transform the figure into uncanny artefacts that remind us of distant cultures.
The performance, focuses on the threshold and tension between objects and the moving body, by inhabiting and charging the spaces between works to form a liminal encounter. Peake embodies an imagined mythological character born from a cosmic oral portal to manipulate time, creating an archaic feeling of suspense and sensuality. Through ritualised tasks connected to the wallhangings and sculptures thus forming new abstract narratives to propose moments of refuge.

The scenario of the performance would be the project that Baldock realized on the occasion of Conversation Piece | Part III, where the artist decided to focus on transforming elements of the human body into objects, leaving out the symbolic dimension of the fragmented body in the era of objectification. The eyes and mouth are metaphorical doors capable of communicating with the inner parts of the body to the outside world, these being the main channels through which man feeds his mind and his body, but something dramatically appears and, as in a fairy tale, a forest of branches grows around the works preventing these vital organs to properly perform their functions.

Jonathan Baldock (b.1980) is London based artist. Recent solo shows include The Skin I Live in, Nicelle Beauchene, New York (2016); The Soft Machine, Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff; Notes from the Orifice, Vitrine Gallery, London; Hot Spots, The Apartment, Vancouver; Warm Bodies, (a 2 person show with Olga Balema), Kunstvereniging Diepenheim, (NL) (2014) and A Strange cross between a Butcher`s Shop and a Nightsclub, Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge (2013) Recent group exhibitions include Baldock Pope Zahle, Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, Sunderland; Seepferdchen und Flugfische (touring), Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, Remagen (Germany) (2016); Archetypes, Power, and Puppets, College of Wooster Art Museum (CWAM), Wooster, OH (USA); Only the Lonely / Seuls les solitaires (curated by Elina Suoyrjö), La Galerie centre d’art contemporain, Paris (Fr) Forthcoming shows include a major two person commission with artist Emma Hart Love Life, (a touring exhibition to PEER London, The Grundy, Blackpool (2016); and De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill 2017).

Florence Peake is a London-based artist and choreographer. With extensive training in dance and a background in painting, her performance practice combines a variety of media—from drawing to sculpture—in relation to the moving body. Site and audience, live and recorded text, wit and humour are key to her work. Her interdisciplinary projects, made both independently and collaboratively, have been exhibited and performed nationally and internationally since 1995 in New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Prague, Sweden and Latvia. Peake’s work has also been commissioned and shown at prestigious venues such as the National Portrait Gallery (2008), National Review of Live Art (2009), Yorkshire Sculpture Park (2012), Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art (2013) and Hayward Gallery (2014).

Free entry