lunedì 9 agosto 2010 alle ore 21.00
Fine: venerdì 13 agosto 2010 alle ore 22.30
CAMDEN FRINGE FESTIVAL:Camden People's Theatre
Via: 58-60 Hampstead Road NW1 2PY
Città/Paese: London, United Kingdom
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Lumenis Theatre Presents:
“Casa” (Home) a theatrical dance piece choreographed by ANNARITA MAZZILLI as Part of the Camden Fringe
Casa is a Theatrical dance piece with elements of structured improvisation.
The work explores the themes of cultural identity and personal alienation.
It looks at the problems with cultural identification and integration despite living in a globalised changing culture. Human interrelation, sense of community and solitude are all part of the everyday struggle to fit.
The piece is a collage of still images and stylized sketches inspired from typical everyday life situations, such as that of a crowd of people in a public place. As the piece unfolds characters wearing big heavy coats come to life with their own little story and go through a journey where they interact with each other and sense of belonging and what makes a place home are questioned.
The work is performed by a mixed ensemble of professional and non-professional dancers and actors.
All tikets are £7.50 and you can buy them on:
The Camden Fringe website www.camdenfringe.org
box office phone number 08444 77 1000
Fine: venerdì 13 agosto 2010 alle ore 22.30
CAMDEN FRINGE FESTIVAL:Camden People's Theatre
Via: 58-60 Hampstead Road NW1 2PY
Città/Paese: London, United Kingdom
Vedi mappa
Lumenis Theatre Presents:
“Casa” (Home) a theatrical dance piece choreographed by ANNARITA MAZZILLI as Part of the Camden Fringe
Casa is a Theatrical dance piece with elements of structured improvisation.
The work explores the themes of cultural identity and personal alienation.
It looks at the problems with cultural identification and integration despite living in a globalised changing culture. Human interrelation, sense of community and solitude are all part of the everyday struggle to fit.
The piece is a collage of still images and stylized sketches inspired from typical everyday life situations, such as that of a crowd of people in a public place. As the piece unfolds characters wearing big heavy coats come to life with their own little story and go through a journey where they interact with each other and sense of belonging and what makes a place home are questioned.
The work is performed by a mixed ensemble of professional and non-professional dancers and actors.
All tikets are £7.50 and you can buy them on:
The Camden Fringe website www.camdenfringe.org
box office phone number 08444 77 1000